
In Memoriam Betsy Rupprecht

How does a place become part of you; so much so that you carry it with you forever?

For Betsy Rupprecht, Ox-Bow was that place. She became a part of Ox-Bow when she arrived with her parents, Edgar and Isobel, from Paris in 1932 as an infant in arms. It was a familiar place to Rupprecht and MacKinnon from their earlier summers at Ox-Bow teaching and painting and Betsy spent her very early childhood with them at Ox-Bow, living in the Bogart. She grew up here, painted here, taught here, and served for many years as a Board member and even Board President.  

For 86 years Betsy was a part of this place, embracing Ox-Bow as a home and sanctuary and sharing it with many others who built the foundation of what Ox-Bow is today. Betsy was the quintessential steward, concerned about every tree and planting and structure; where it was placed, how it grew; considering as an artist would,  how everything affected the place and the experience of Ox-Bow.

At some point, she reminded all of us, anything we added or changed should be considered integral to an artistic viewpoint. Whether it was to become a scene to be painted, a site-specific sculpture or pure inspiration, the thought of preserving the magic of this place was foremost in her mind.

In a very real sense, Betsy was the soul and spirit of Ox-Bow and we shall miss her dearly.

Steve Meier

Board President