Photo by Dominique Muñoz, Summer Fellow 2024

Upcoming Events at Ox-Bow House


Each year we hold a special summer exhibition and monthly featured artist exhibitions.

Summer Exhibition - More Details Coming Soon

Featured Artist Exhibition - Julie Sanford and Friends Jewelry Group Exhibition 
Saturday, November 9 – Sunday, December 22 
Exhibition Reception Saturday, November 9. 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 

Winter Artists Market

November 9, 2024 through March 29, 2025, Open during regular business hours

Regional and national Artists are bringing their artwork to Ox-Bow House for Ox-Bow Winter Artists Market. For the avid Ox-Bow collectors: glass blowers from our campus have created unique limited edition gifts. Other classic Ox-Bow merchandise will also be available.

Second Saturdays

2025 Dates: January 11; February 8; March 8; April 12; May 10; June 14; July 12; August 9; September 13; October 11; and November 8 from 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Artist Reception 4:00–5:00 p.m.

Mark your calendar for this year’s Second Saturday gallery strolls in downtown Douglas. And make sure to pay a visit to Ox-Bow House to see what fresh artist wares are in! Our doors will be open from 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. with a special artist reception from 4:00–5:00 p.m. honoring the individuals behind the current exhibition happening in the House. 

Figure Drawing at Ox-Bow House

Wednesdays, February 26–April 2, 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Join us for a second installment of Figure Drawing at Ox-Bow House. Sign up today for an opportunity to harness and sharpen your drawing skills (and enjoy some coffee!). Hosted conveniently in downtown Douglas at Ox-Bow House, this six-week series meets Wednesdays, February 26 through April 2, 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. The space will serve as an organic time to render drawings. Rather than providing hands-on instruction, group discussions and work time will be facilitated by Ox-Bow House Manager, Maggie Bandstra.

The workshop series costs $85 for the entire six weeks, or $35 per session if you only want to drop in for a few. After filling out the registration form, an invoice will be sent to collect payment. If you have any questions, email Maggie Bandstra at

Register here:

Punch Needle Workshop

Wednesdays, March 12–April 2, 1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.

Punch needle embroidery is an ancient textile art form currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity. This workshop, led by artist Patti Reen, will explore the tools and specialty threads used to create unique tactile art pieces using a hollow needle threaded with cotton floss. Using a specialty frame, we will work on creating, finishing, and mounting a 4-inch design. Each step will be explained and demonstrated with plenty of time for questions. All participants will work on the same design and will hopefully be surprised and delighted with the end result!

Week 1: Introduction, demonstration and practice

Week 2: Work on the design and learn to change threads in the tool

Week 3: Continue to work on the design

Week 4: Finishing edges and mounting

Included in the $200 class fee are all the supplies and tools for the class, plus instruction.

This workshop is limited to the first 6 people who sign up and pay the invoiced $200 workshop fee. Your registration will not be complete until you pay the invoice for the workshop. No refunds will be issued.

Register here:

Indigo Dye Workshop with Sue Cortese

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 1:00–3:30 p.m.

Learn the basics of indigo dying in our upcoming workshop on March 8 from 1:00–3:30 p.m. Bring a cotton t-shirt, scarf, dishtowel, etc. and leave with a one-of-a-kind piece of art. The workshop will be facilitated by local indigo artist, Sue Cortese. Registration online for this workshop for only $15. 

Photo by Ian Solomon, Summer Fellow 2023

Ox-Bow House is located at 137 Center Street, Douglas, MI 49406

Ox-Bow House Hours
October 1, 2024-May 1, 2025

Monday Closed

*Ox-Bow House will be closed on Sunday, October 27
**HOLIDAY HOURS: Ox-Bow House is closed from Christmas Eve till Jan. 4th.

and For Special Events