Jo Hormuth
1 week course || PAINTING 655 001 || 1 credit hour
This course investigates a series of color problems to sensitize students to the interaction of color and color phenomena. Considering the problems of color use and color composition, the course emphasizes hue, value, and chroma and the application of such knowledge to the visual arts. A basic course for all disciplines in seeing and using color.
Jo Hormuth
Better Grammar-Garden (detail)
Lambda pigment printed photographs, face-mounted to clear acrylic, individually laser cut and mounted to 1/2” clear acrylic
Suite of 8 works
Jo Hormuth is a multidisciplinary artist whose ideas spring from a fascination with perceptual, cognitive, and linguistic contradictions, backed by research into the architecture, history, and material conditions of the situation in which a work will be developed and shown. Her latest public project is Better Grammar–Garden, for the Chicago Botanic Garden. The eight large color compositions form a portrait of the garden—itself an abstraction—from monochrome macro photographs of plants taken over the course of a year. As founder of Chicago Architectural Arts, she focuses on the restoration of significant interiors; most recently, she researched and recreated interior finishes for the Darwin Martin House, Frank Lloyd Wright’s largest Prairie-style complex, and worked on the restoration of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Willow Tea Rooms in Glasgow. Hormuth is represented by Kusseneers Gallery, Brussels.