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Instructors: Sheila Pepe assisted by Danny Giles

FIBER/VCS • 3 credit hours

What happens to the work when it leaves the studio? The goal of this seminar is to investigate accepted methods of display and interpretation used among artists today. An enormous subject in itself, the focus of this course will be found at the intersection of participants’ accumulated individual experiences. Class readings and exercises will amplify that juncture. Topics concerning presentation will include a brief history of museum and gallery display, as well as a discussion of contemporary techniques of exhibition installation. The notion of critique will be opened up by a review of its constituent parts, including observation and description, methods and limits of interpretation, and the use of the personal and studio narrative. We will look at the academic “crit” as both pedagogical device and prototype of public presentation and evaluation. Classes will consist discussion of texts, assignments and presentations. Discussion and presentations will be augmented by focused and self directed studo time.